The Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo Northern Province,

St. Charles Convent, New Delhi

The mission at Delhi was started on August 19, 1998in a rented house at Palam RZ/LA-10,Mahavir Enclave , Palam Dabri Road, New De4lhi-11045., belonging to the CBCCI woman’s Desk through the mediation of Rev.Fr. P.P George SDB. The official starting of the house was on 22nd August 1998., feast of the Queen ship of Mary. with a special Eucharistic celebration presided over by aFr. P.D Mathew S. J.r. Sheila Corda, Sr. Emily Precilla stayed there for a week to make the necessary arrangements for the beginning.

The Archbishop of Delhi Rt. Rev. Alan D Lastic, warmly welcomed the sisters and gave written permission on September 3, 1998 n to establish our mission in Delhi. We got involved in pastoral work, teaching catechism, organizing the liturgy, choir, and prayer meetings and preparing children for the reception of the sacraments.

Being transit house sisters from far and near arrived here for their official work at the embassy. Sisters also visited the ministry of External work and the ministry of Education for their official work.

On February 1 2001, after much search and struggle the Registration of the Land t Shyam Enclave Nazafgarh was done and on the same day the sisters shifted to the new house at Shayam Enclave. The population around the house is mainly Cathol;ic. Te people of the neighbourhood are from Bihar , Hariyana, Jharkhand, Tamilnadu & Kashmir.

The house and Campus could be used for Educational, Social, and pastoral purposes. As there was an empty building at the rear end of the campus, the sisters started the nursery classes there and evening coaching classes for the poor children of the colony. Up to this day the apostolate has been kept up, This year due to lack of children the nursery classes are dropped. The sisters also visit the families and pray with them. Apart from being a transit house the house at Nazafgarh has given birth to another community at Samaspur and a full pledged English medium school.



The Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo Northern Province,St. Charles Provincialate,

Get In Touch

St. Charles Provincialate, Hesag, Hatia
P. O, Ranchi, 834003, Jharkhand, INDIA

Mob. 09431102214

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