The Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo Northern Province,

St. Charles Convent Dumka 2004 -2016

God is ever creative in human history and speaks to us through persons and events. His compassion embraces all without comparison. His history of Salvation is an open book, eternally waiting for new entries. His design of establishing a kingdom of love peace and justice the world is ever active and alive. He reveals His design in Isaiah” I will make you a light to the nations that my salvation may reach the ends of the earth. With the desire of spreading God`s salvation, Sr. Christine, the provincial of Northern province of that time, listen to the invitation of the provincial superior of the Jesuits, Rev. Fr. Puthussery and responded to it immediately, visited the place on January 10th 2004 together with Sr. Hariette, the provincial councillor, and in February, with Sr. Amali , the General councillor, Sr Clotilda , the provincial councillor visited the place. It was with the knowledge and consent of the Bishop of Dumka Rt. Rev. Julius Marandi.


The mission station in Murguni is situated 40 Km away from the district and diocese of Dumka in Jharkhand. The mission station was established by the Jesuit fathers in 1996 with the aim of reaching out to the santhals and other people of the area through various apostolates. This new mission is the platinum Jubilee gift of the province. On 20th June 2004 the pioneers, Sr Hariette Kispotta, the Superior, Sr. Annie Kurian , Sr. Asha Baxla, together with the provincial Sr. Christine and her councillors were welcomed during the solemn Eucharistic celebration offered by Rt.Bishop Rev. Julius Marandi, assisted by Fr. Varghese. BP. Julius Marandi welcomed the sisters at the beginning of the mass on behalf of the diocese. After Mass Parishioners together with neighbouring priests and sisters and children welcomed the sisters with traditional way of washing their feet and offering them their traditional shawls. Fr. Provincial welcomed the sisters and expressed his happiness at the arrival of the sisters. A beautiful cultural program was put up and s sumptuous meal was served prepared by Frs. Edwin &Hilarious. Sr. Christine thanked the bishop and the provincial for inviting the sister to collaborate in the mission Sr. Christine thanked the bishop and the provincial for inviting the sister to collaborate in the mission.

The missionary mandate became their life principle, the daring spirit of itinery, the interior freedom of courage, the brilliance of hope and the ever guiding providence were their anchor. With this guiding force they accommodated themselves in a hall. The fathers provided furniture and other thing s which were necessary for the use. Srs. Annie Kurian & Hariette had a month of Santali class (local Language). The sisters did feel the heat of the venue but their eyes were fixed on the mission.

Socio- economic and political situation- Santhals are the largest single tribe in India. They are poor illiterate farmers. The literacy rate is very low and the place is underdeveloped and there were no proper roads no electricity or phone facilities. They completely depend upon rain if there is no rain , no cultivation. People go to other states for 6 months and during rainy season, they are back to the villages. The weather is extreme hot here as there are many hot water springs around here. As there are jungles and hillocks there is a threat from the wild animals. Every year many are being killed by elephants. A lot of superstitions also prevail in this part of the area. The situation is being changed slowly Apostolate. - We are called to collaborate with the Jesuits in the field of education and medico socio pastoral work.


To incarnate the compassionate love of God to those living in the fringes of the society. Srs. Harriett & Asha got involved in the teaching apostolate “ A selfish heart loves for what it can get and a selfless heart loves for what it can give’’ . Sr. Annie being an experienced person in the socio medical field started her mission of getting into the shoes of the villagers, visiting them, giving necessary medical care and starting regular social awareness programmes and forming self help groups. Today the community has a girls’ boarding attached with 150 girls and two sisters are teaching in the school and one sister as the headmistress of the school which is Std 1- VI. The sisters are very much involved in the socio pastral & medical care wherever possible. Rev. Fr. Swamy S.J is the present parish priest who is very generous and collaborative with the sisters. . Though the going is tough at times, we have never missed the providential care of the Divine; the Lord Jesus in our mission.



The Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo Northern Province,St. Charles Provincialate,

Get In Touch

St. Charles Provincialate, Hesag, Hatia
P. O, Ranchi, 834003, Jharkhand, INDIA

Mob. 09431102214

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