“In that day the branch of the Lord shall be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land shall be pride and glory of the survivors of Israel.” (Ish: 4:2)
“Just as a mustard seed grows like a tree and gives shelter to all living being, so also as you my sisters, young in age and spirit, God as chosen you as missionaries. I feel proud of you, “But, says Sr. Christine the provincial. In our hearts we remember that God chose the weakest instrument to accomplish His work that no one will attempt to take his glory...”with these sure assurance of God’s presence, Sr. Shanthi Lobo and Sr. Precilla Saldanha were chosen as pioneers to spread the love of God in this diocese of Aizawl. At this juncture Sr. Aleyamma the Superior of Hnahthial community along with Mrs. Thangpuii the catholic member of Maubawk Parish went in search for renting the house. They found nowhere suitable house as it was for Jesus. Ultimately Mr. Sam a catholic member, Principal of sacred Heart school, came to the assistance of our sisters and agreed to offer two classrooms for their residence.
And it was a rainy season. In Mizoram we can imagine what it means” rain”. For our information we can say everywhere landslides and slushy roads. No vehicle would take the risk of going anywhere. But, still with faith and confidence they do not mind going even to the remote place. That was the zeal of our sisters. Nothing happens by chance. With these sentiments On the 12th of September 2007 Sr. Precilla the pioneer member along with Sr. Aleyamma the Superior of Hnahthial community, and Sr. Monthi the Superior of Serchhip community, travelled all the way to Aizawl with some necessary things required for the new house. They were held up on the way and they had to go to the hotels to lay their heads. In another side, Sr. Shanthi Lobo with some required things started her journey from Hatia, Provincialate. Since the train reached late to Howrah station, and minimum time was left to catch the flight, she had to cancel her ticket. She had to borrow somebody’s mobile to inform about the delay of train to her Provincial Sr. Christine .
Sr. Christine immediately cancelled her flight ticket and booked her ticket by Fax to the next day following . Since Sr. Shanthi was alone she found herself a bit panic, but loving providence of God and by the prayerful wishes of Sr. Christine and all the sisters, she took courage and made the necessary arrangement to halt for a day at the station. The next day that is 15th of September she reached safe to Aizawl. On the same day Sr. Aleyamma, Sr. Monthi and Sr. Precilla reached and they were gladly welcomed by Fr. Paul Parish Priest of Cathedral and Fr. James the assistant parish priest. They stayed for two days at cathedral parish. That was the generosity of Fathers to be appreciated. Since the rented house was ready on the 17th of Sept they did some shopping and towards evening there was holy Eucharist at Maubawk substation. We all took active part in it. Fr. Paul offered mass and welcomed us to Mizoram. After the mass all the faithful were invited to our residence. Fr. Paul blessed our house and wished good wishes for our mission. Sr. Aleyamma and Sr. Monthi left us the next day and Sr. Shanthi and Sr. Precilla stayed there nearly a month. Meantime Sr. Christine and her councilors always boosted them with their prayerful support and kind, loving and encouraging words. They accepted all the inconveniences and simultaneously tried to find another suitable place for accommodation. They went to the Maubawk substation parish and distributed the admission forms. Mrs.Thangpuii one of the catholic member was always ready to offer her help. She tried to help all the ways possible. People were so happy to see them and they enquired about the school. Though the building was not ready, with all the trust in the divine providence they said it would be ready within three months. Meanwhile they found another house at khatla offered by one of the catholic families. They offered us two rooms. We were happy because the rent was only Rs. 1200/- . It was easy for us to distribute the admission forms. The wonders and promises of God are seen in everything. “Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking Him with a thankful heart. And God’s peace which is far beyond human understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus. (Phil: 1: 5 -7).
“ It went on for another one month. Meanwhile Fr. S. Micheal appointed some workers to begin the work in our place. It was on the Nov.1st 2007, they came to the place and began to clear the place and put up the Assam type building. First and foremost a small house was put up for the workers to stay. Sr. Shanthi and Sr. Precilla came by foot everyday to supervise the work. The distance was too lengthy that they climbed everyday 700 steps. Fr. Micheal sometimes supervised the work. With all the little inconviences the building was ready with 6 rooms. It was a wooden building. Wooden planks and tin sheets were used for the building. Three rooms for class rooms and other for residence. On the 4th Jan 2008 Sr. Elizabeth along with srs. Gemma and Anitha arrived to Aizawl. Sr. Shanthi and Sr. Precilla welcomed them in their midst happily. On the 9th they started to stay in the new house. Sr. Christine and Sr. Sabina were welcomed on the 10th Jan. 2008. After their lunch they proceeded to Serchhip Communty. On The 12th Jan we had a official house warming ceremony.
It was a 5th anniversary of Northern Province. Fr. S. Micheal celebrated mass and officially blessed the house. . Sr.Christine and Sr. Sabina and few catholic members were present to this ceremony. On 15th of Jan we distributed the books and the stationery . Only K. G.I and K.G.II classes were held during this year. The strength was only 48. Sr. Precilla was the headmistress and Sr. Shanthi was the in charge of the house. From June the new community was formed with three members . Sr. Shanthi Lobo, Sr. Stella and Sr. Karmela. During the year 2009 Sr. Shanthi was transferred to Jhansi and Sr. Roseline was replaced by her. Sr. Roseline was superior for 3 years. ( 2009 –2012) In the year 2011 Sr. Shanthi was again transferred to Aizawl and from 2012 she took up the superior ship and headmistress. Every year one class was extended. So till 2014 the classes have reached up to 6th standard. Every year children got increased. Now there are 210 students, and there is a hope to have more children. Though the place is very interior, parents have the great desire to send their children to our school. They mostly come by taxi or foot. In the year 2010 the down floor was put up for the school. In the year 2011 the work started to put up a concrete residence. The retaining wall was put up by a contract costing 200000.00. Since the place is hilly area we could see landslides everywhere. We had to spend a lot to put up the retaining wall and then building. Now sisters stay in the new building. August 29th 2013 was a red letter day as the house was inaugurated by Rt. Rev. Bishop Stephen Rotluanga, the bishop of Aizawl diocese. The celebration was held at small scale because the work was at the move. The presence of parish priest and some fathers and our sisters at Hnahthial and serchhip community added joy to the function. Now the school building is going on. In the year 2012 the parents was held where all the children got a chance to come over the stage to present their item. It was really a wonderful day for all of us.
From this new session we will have class VIII. The strength is reached up to 350. We may have more students this year.
St. Charles Provincialate, Hesag, Hatia
P. O, Ranchi, 834003, Jharkhand, INDIA
Mob. 09431102214
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