The Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo Northern Province,


Tensions and stresses caused by the competitive world of today and diseases that have become rampant due to the degradation of moral religious and ethical values, have left millions of people sick physically mentally, psychologically and spiritually in our society. This poses a new challenge to us to strive to reach out in compassion to give special heed to the cry of the sick, the poor in the 21st century.


* I came that you may have life and life in its fullness. Jn.10.10”


* To create a healthy society by making holistic healing affordable for the poor and weaker section of the society.
* To reach out to the less fortunate with Christ’s power to restore their dignity and build a world of love, truth, justice, peace, freedom solidarity & peace.
* To transmit the living Word nurture faith in the faithful and seek the lost in all our pastoral ministries.

The commission consists of minimum of four members. One of the provincial councilors is appointed as the coordinator of M. S. P. She and her team in consultation with the respective provincial/Regional Superior plans meetings in the zonal & general level for the smooth running and progress of the activities related to medical, social and pastoral activities of the province. Sr. Anita Tigga heads this commission.

The commission members are appointed by the Provincial/Regional Superior. The province coordinators for vocation promotion and SCB associates are part of this commission.


The Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo Northern Province,St. Charles Provincialate,

Get In Touch

St. Charles Provincialate, Hesag, Hatia
P. O, Ranchi, 834003, Jharkhand, INDIA

Mob. 09431102214

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