The Church affirms that the primary aim of formation is to enable the one who is called: to discover, assimilate and deepen her religious identity in the Church and in the Congregation and foster her growth towards the full stature of Jesus Christ. Thus, we enable the young woman to deepen her Christian identity in the Church and foster growth in her response to her religious and missionary vocation in the congregation of Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo
“Formation ministry is indeed the holy ground, where the formators and formees need to go barefoot for this is a place of transformative encounter with God. This is the starting point of formation which leads to transformation. In this whole process God is accompanying both the formator and the formee as, “a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night” (Ref. SCB Manual for Formation pg.6) Placing these significant features of formation as the focal point, the Sisters of St.Charles, Northern Province have launched various stages of formation in line with the directions given by the Church and the Congregation to help those called by God to respond to Him responsibly.
The division of the Province did not affect the division of formation since formation comes directly under the governance of the Generalate. This is to be borne in mind to understand why the shifting of formation houses back and forth from one province to another in the years that followed the division of the provinces.
Religious journey is a journey with Christ and of kenosis. The primary pre-occupation of religious search is for the transcendent and the ultimate meaning of life that leads the individuals to God-realization and liberation.
The inspirations, instructions, guidelines received from God, the General, Provincial Superiors, church authorities, periodicals, books, seminar, retreats etc. widen the vision and mission of all the Sisters. They respond to the call of God and vibrantly move with the Spirit. Rest, relaxation and renewal programmes organized periodically at the community and Province level rejuvenate the senior members. They are oriented to seek God–experience, discipleship and wholeness as an unending process. They are given every possibility to attain this realization and actualization. The happy ‘community living’ is their source of strength to bear fruit in plenty sample list of the enrichment programmes organized for the senior sisters.
St. Charles Provincialate, Hesag, Hatia
P. O, Ranchi, 834003, Jharkhand, INDIA
Mob. 09431102214
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